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IBUKI Substrat - Rekomendacje

IBUKI Substrat Przesiany do Bonsai jest używany przez profesjonalistów i amatorów sztuki bonsai z całej Europy.

- Walter Pall (europejski wiodący bonsaista z Niemiec napisa o nim:
„I have received a real lot of bags of IBUKI Sieved Bonsai Substrate Mixes in spring 2015 from Mariusz. Around 40 of my better trees have been potted in several kinds of these substrates. Some trees of real high value I also potted in mostly pure pumice or lava. I am very happy about the result so far. It is obvious that these substrates work very well and I cannot imagine any improvement. Of course everyone knows that with pure substrate without organic contents one has to water a bit more and regularly and that aggressive feeding is important.”
Walter Pall, Niemcy

Cyril Lachaud
With friends of mine we ordered 80 bags to ship to France. The shipment was perfect and the substrate looks very good (I'll have to wait for next spring to see it in action). It's a real joy not to have to go through the substrate preparation process and finally just have to open the bag and fill the pot :)
Mariusz, you rock !
Cyril Lachaud, Francja

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