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IBUKI Studio Bonsai & Ceramics by Mariusz Folda

I would like to invite you to IBUKI Studio Bonsai which is a part of IBUKI Ornamental Plant Nursery, established by mine Grandfather in 1937 in southern Poland, just 7 km from town Bielako-Biala in beautiful mountain area. You will find here amazing selection of high quality bonsai trees developed over many years from both imported and collected bonsai material. Please do visit us at IBUKI ;)

Here you will find a selection of high quality trees developed at IBUKI Studio Bonsai. We don't simply buy and quickly resell bonsai. That is not our aim at all. I make sure personally that outstanding bonsai material is chosen, then we take care of the health and general well being of the trees. Then over years exceptional bonsai is created out of passion, dedication and persistant work.

IBUKI Studio Bonsai & Ceramics specialises in:

- offering high standard of bonsai material both imported and from European material
- offering pre bonsai and yamadori material
- creation of bonsai ceramics
- production of aluminium and copper wire
- production of SIEVED bonsai substrate
- production of high quality wooden bonsai stands and tables 
- offering bonsai workshops, classes and demonstrations

Hope one day I welcome you at IBUKI Nursery.

Mariusz Folda

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